The Code Reporter

The latest information on the California elevator safety code.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NCEIG Christmas Dinner Party and Old Timers Reunion

Hello Elevator People!

Yes, the Annual NCEIG Christmas Dinner Party and Old Timers Reunion is just around the corner so make your plans now! In the past we have always asked our members to do a bit of outreach to our retired industry colleagues with some success. This year let’s try to get as many retirees as possible! Remember, our industry retirees and their spouses can attend this party without charge, they are our honored guests after all.

We would also like to ask everyone that is planning to attend to RSVP by no later than Friday, December 2nd, 2011 by sending an E-mail to:

And our President, Erik Bleyle, has also requested that, if possible, our members (suppliers and otherwise) bring some items to donate for the Christmas party raffle.

So, get out your Roladex (old timers know what those are) and dial-up (wait, phones don't have "dials" anymore) all of the guys (were there any gals then?) who used to run you around when you were a 50%'r.  Know any old branch managers, construction/service managers, salesmen, drill rig operators, state inspectors, etc.  Get them all and their significant others to the Christmas party.  Truly the best event of the year for NCEIG is hearing the tall tales of these living legends - said by someone who's loosing his hair and is not so young anymore himself.  It's always great fun and the food & drinks are great too. 

See you at Sinbad's!

Your Code Reporter
Rich Blaska

Changes to California Shunt-Trip Rules

I've been informed by my good friend, Bill Mitchell, Schindler Elevator Corp., of a major change in the requirement for shunt-trip power disconnection in California.  The Office of the State Fire Marshal (SFM) has made changes to the 2010 edition of the California Building Code (CBC), based on the 2009 International Building Code (IBC).  The entire text of the changes is available online at: 
You might note that the title of this document reads:
However, a representative of the SFM indicated that these changes to the regulations have formally been adopted by the California Building Standard Committee.  You may wish to verify this on your own but I am assured that this is now a part of the new California Fire Code. 
I’ve copied and pasted below the specific section of the referenced document:

3006.4.1 Automatic sprinkler system. Automatic sprinklers shall not be required to be installed in the elevator hoistway, elevator machine room, elevator machinery space, elevator control space, or elevator control room where all the following are met:
1.  Approved smoke detectors shall be installed in the elevator hoistway, elevator machine room, elevator machinery spaces, elevator control spaces, or elevator control rooms and connected to the building fire alarm system in accordance with Section 907. 
2.  Activation of any smoke detector located in the elevator hoistway, elevator machine room, elevator machinery space, elevator control space, or elevator control room shall cause the actuation of the building fire alarm notification appliances in accordance with 907.
3.  Activation of any smoke detector located in the elevator hoistway, elevator machine room, elevator machinery space, elevator control space, or elevator control room shall cause all elevators having any equipment located in that elevator hoistway, elevator machine room, elevator machinery space, elevator control space, or elevator control room to recall nonstop to the appropriate designated floor in accordance with CCR Title 8, Division 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter 6, Elevator Safety Orders.
4. The elevator machine room, elevator machinery space, elevator control space, or elevator control room shall be enclosed with fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 712, or both. The fire-resistance rating shall not be less than the required rating of the hoistway enclosure served by the machinery. Openings in the fire barriers shall be protected with assemblies having a fire protection rating not less than that required for the hoistway enclosure doors.  The exceptions to Section 3006.4 shall not apply.
5.  The building fire alarm system shall be monitored by an approved supervising station in accordance with 907.
6.  An approved sign shall be permanently displayed in the elevator machine room, elevator machinery space, elevator control space, or elevator control room in a conspicuous location with a minimum of 1½ inch letters on a contrasting background, stating: NO COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE PERMITTED IN THIS ROOM  By Order of the Fire Marshal [or name of fire authority]
This is great news as most in our industry have long argued against having machine rooms, control rooms and hoistways sprinkled and the power shunt-tripped.  I’m proceeding with the engineering of a number of elevator major alterations where we are verifying or correcting the fire-resistive nature of the elevator spaces and removing all of the sprinklers. 
As always, I must qualify that you should independently verify all code questions with the proper authorities having jurisdiction. 
Your Code Reporter
Rich Blaska